001 Public Comments: an opportunity for members of the public to comment on the agenda or to bring matters to the attention of the council                                  

002 Apologies and Reason for Absence: to accept apologies and reason


003 To receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest(not previously declared) by Councillors on any of the agenda items below

004 Minutes of Previous Meetings:  Minutes of1 March 2021 to be agreed and signed as a true record.


005 Ward Councillors’ Comments: an opportunity for WardCouncillorsto raise any

matters concerning the Parish


006 Clerk’s Report: to update council on outstanding issues arising from previous meetings:

·         Fence on bad bend, Bradley Lane


007 Finance:

Monthly financial report by the Clerk

a.    Payments to be ratified since 1 March 2021:                                                     

Clerk’s Salary + Burial fees                                                                        £ 1026.12 

                        Falon Nameplates Ltd for memorial plaque                                            £   145.86

YLCA Subs                                                                                                   £   416.00 

Burial Ground exp to Cllr Butterworth (deck box)                                   £     65.00

Burial Ground exp to Cllr Butterworth (weedkiller)                                 £     19.00

YLCA Cllr Rollings training                                                                        £     15.00

Clerk for Bright Pay                                                                                     £     58.80

Clerk for website                                                                                          £     22.79

Clerk expenses last ¼                                                                                 £   152.83

Cllr Murray for Speedwatch radar gun etc.                                              £   191.68

     b.   Payments received since 1 March 2021:                                                

Invoice 233 memorial plaque fee                                                              £   250.00

Invoice 234 Purchase single plot NBG                                                    £   600.00

Invoice 235 memorial plaque fee                                                              £   250.00

Invoice 237 2x NBG plots purchased                                                       £ 1800.00

Invoice 236 2x NBG plots purchased                                                       £ 1800.00

c.    Funds available:


008 Planning Matters:

20/01448/FUL York Microlight Centre Ltd Rufforth Airfield for erection of building to provide training facilities, bike and equipment storage for motorcycle training school and microlight hangar, and erection of extension to hangar: CYC have approved this.


009 Burial Grounds:

a.    Maintenance in Burial Grounds

b.    Burials

c.    Southfield Lane French Drain


010 AJ1 Project Road Safety Fund: Cllr Murray to update


011 Signs to reduce speed “20’s plenty”: A proposal by Cllr Mate


012 Knapton Recreational Field: Cllr Flynn to update


013 York Community Woodland: to get any updates on this CYC project


014 Website Content: to agree any new content for the website


015 Rufforth:

·         The Ridings, Rufforth

·         The Rufforth White painted Gate

·         A Boards at the entrance to the Playing Fields


016 Rufforth Cricket Club request for funding: to decide whether to award a grant.


017 Rufforth Allotments: Cllr Rollings to update


018 Public Rights of Way:

·         Benches for Rufforth to Knapton PROW

·         Sign “No Cyclists” by Pump House, The Avenue to Hutton Wandersley


019 Village Tidy Ups: Cllr Reynolds


020 Local Governance Consultation: Cllr Rollings to update


021 Parish Council Charter: Cllr Rollings to update


022 Invitation for Representative of PC to join Playing Fields Association Committee: to elect a representative


023 Representatives Reports:

a.    YLCA   b. Yorwaste  


024 Minor Matters and Items for the Next Agenda: an opportunity for councillors to ask for items to be placed on the next agenda


025 Date of Next Meeting: First week in May 2021, date to be decided.


Parish Clerk: Tel: 738751    Email:


*For fifteen minutes before the meeting starts members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda can do so. Each resident will be allowed a maximum of three minutes. Anyone who wishes to register or needs further information is requested to contact the Clerk as above. The Clerk will send log in details to the Virtual meeting upon request. The deadline for registering to speak is 6.00pm on Thursday 8 April 2021.


To Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 4883 2479
Passcode: 269274